Saturday, January 13, 2007

Talking southern

Bob and I have always been concerned about our kids having a southern accent. No offense to southerners but we are both from the Midwest (Nebraska), and I would really like my kids to sound like me. Soon after Colin started school, Bob noticed that Colin would say some one syllable words with two syllables. Like the word 'there' would be 'ther-air'. So we will remind Colin how to pronouce the word correctly ... umm I mean like us!

Recently I was talking to an Atlanta native, and she did not sound like she grew up here. She said that when she was about 13 and heard a video of her talking, she thought that she sounded pretty stupid (her words, not mine). So that day forward she made a consciense effort to not talk with a southern accent. There's hope after all. Get out the video recorder!!

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