Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nathan and Laura

I'm doing much better about setting up playdates for Nathan. He has at least one a week now, sometimes two. This week Nathan asked to do a playdate with Laura. A side note, Laura is Eva's little sister. Colin and Eva were in the same class last year and Colin really likes Eva. It looks like the younger siblings are on a similar path.

So I emailed Laura and Eva's mom and set things up for yesterday. When we got to school, Nathan said he wanted to walk in with Laura. So we waited for Laura to get to school and they walked in hand in hand after a big hug. Nathan was so excited to see her.

The playdate went so very very well. Nice and calm ... well, except for the tornadoes in the tents. But that was short lived. Laura was excited to play with the trains that Nathan got out. I hope we do many more playdates with her.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Things that Nathan says:

"hide -n- peek" = hide -n- seek

"carry me up" = pick me up

"panana" = banana

"canola bar" = granola bar (Colin used to call it "bar bar" when he was little

And one day when we were blowing bubbles, he says, "I want to fill the whole world with bubbles".

Yeah, wouldn't that be awesome.