Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cirque du Soleil

The circus is in town! And as I told Colin, it's the best circus in the whole world. Cirque du Soleil makes an appearance every two years in Atlanta, lucky us! Bob and I went last time by ourselves. This year we took Colin and Nathan.

Nathan was probably a little young for the show; he kept asking who turned out the lights. But Colin was the perfect age. His eyes lit up while watching the show. The big cannon that shot confetti on the crowd was a big hit with him. And there was some scary parts too like scary music, and scary skeleton dancers. Colin loves scary things.

As we were going home, I asked Colin was his favorite part was.

"All of it!" he said.

My favorite part was the Wheel of Death. Now that was scary.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Nathan's 3rd birthday

Nathan wanted a globe cake just like his big brother. So Rachael did her magic and made another globe cake, this time with lots of green ... a green turtle, frog and lizard all on the cake because Nathan's favorite color is green. Not that he will tell you that. He doesn't exactly know his colors yet. But when given a choice he usually always picks green.

We had the party at the Little Jumping Bean, one of those jumpy places that has the inflatiable slides and stuff. There were lots of kids from Nathan's class, and everyone had a good time!

Our cake maker, Rachael (rachmakescakes.com) putting the last minute touches on the globe cake.

Nathan singing the "happy birthday" song!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


On the way back from Omaha, I was sitting next to Colin on the plane and was talking to him about random stuff. Colin mentioned that when he turned 16, he was going to be married.

So I asked, "Do you know who you want to marry?"

"Of course I do, Mom," he says looking at me like what a silly question.

