Sunday, January 20, 2008

"Stink in my nose"

I've been forgetting to post this. It happened on New Year's Day when we were over at our friend's house with Colin and Nathan to watch football. The kids played downstairs and I was down there with them. Colin got one of the candles from the bathroom and asked me to smell it, ummm... smelled good he said. Then he pointed to another candle in the room, and declared that that candle gives him a "stink in his nose". Then he invited me to smell it. Gee, with an endorsement like that how could I refuse? Personally it wasn't a bad smell to me, but for some reason he really didn't like the way that one candle smelled. I'd never heard him refer to anything like that though, I wonder where he got it from ... "a stink in his nose", too funny.

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