Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Nathan!!

Yesterday was Nathan's 2nd birthday, hard to believe that 2 years ago Bob and I were racing to the hospital just in time for Nathan to be born. I remember Colin's assessment of the situation when he came to the hospital, "Baby born?"

So we had a little party for Nathan with Uncle Ian, Aunt Roxanne, our friends in Roswell, Amy, Eric, their children, Grace, and Tyge who are Colin and Nathan's age; and some new friends from the neighborhood, Karen, Bill and their son, Fritz who is Colin's age. The party was at 5pm and we did a burrito bar where you could build your own burrito. We got the idea from Tyge's birthday party which was at dinner time and included build your own pasta dinner. Tyge's birthday was on Monday.

We also had a cake, that is a cake from Rach Makes Cakes again. She's the one who did Colin's Dr. Seuss birthday cake. This time we wanted a cake in the shape of a puzzle piece because of Nathan's obsession with puzzles. It was perfect!

Recap of the wonderful presents (so I don't forget), from Fritz, finger puppets and a Steve McQueen Cars from the movie. From Grace and Tyge, a Melissa & Doug puzzle (with 12 interlocking pieces of a farm yard) and an aquatic animal 6-in-1 block puzzle. From Uncle Ian and Aunt Roxanne, a Cars activity center with paint, crayons, workbook and game. From Mom and Dad (me and Bob), a cobbler's bench.

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