Monday, October 15, 2007

Potty training?

Nathan went pee in the potty last night!! He is only 21 months old and already showing an interest in the potty. He does see Colin using the toilet all the time and won't leave Colin alone in the bathroom! So last night, after Colin went to the bathroom, Nathan said "ppah" and tried to take his shirt off. I don't know what the thing is with the shirt. I guess it just represents getting changed. So I put him on the little potty, and there was pee when he got up. Not a lot, but he gets the idea!

Even this morning, Nathan was saying "ppah" and lifting his shirt up, then he became what we call a "stinky boy". If I wasn't so tired and had a little more initiative, I think I could've got Nathan to go number two in the potty.

However, I don't think that this means we can start thinking about buying less diapers. It's just really nice that he is taking an interest in it so early. Maybe Nathan will surprise me ... that would be great!

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