Monday, October 15, 2007

Monster spray

So I mentioned in the last post about Colin and monsters. At the end of the summer, he started showing a serious interest in "scary stories" before bed. Like having us make up a scary story for him. You know it's really hard to come up with a scary story for your 3-year-old that's not going to traumatize him.

Then one night a couple of weeks ago, Bob was putting Colin to bed and said that Colin was complaining about monsters in his room. I don't know where it came from but immediately I had an idea! I took some of my body spray into his room and told him it was "Monster Spray"! That monsters didn't like the spray so all we had to do was spray the room and where ever the monsters were and they would go away. He went to bed after that. I was really surprised I only had to do it one night.

But then the other night, as we were walking home from the Candler Park Fall Fest in the dark. Colin was saying stuff about monsters and how they like the dark and we might see some monsters on the way home but I was there so it was okay. The whole time I was telling him that there are no monsters. Didn't realize I was contradicting myself, because first I use monster spray to keep the monsters away, then I say that there are no monsters.

The monster spray definitely worked better than just telling him that there are no monsters. But I don't know how comfortable I am with encouraging the monster idea. Although, he seems to like the idea of monsters and being a little afraid. I mean he is not petrified or irrational about them or anything. I should try to be a little more consistent though.

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