Saturday, August 11, 2007

Captain Colin

As I mentioned in the last blog, I flew to Kansas City last week with Colin and Nathan by myself. The flight itself went pretty good with only a couple loud parts that didn't last long, but that's according to me not the people sitting around us. I remembered some suckers which came in handy when I had to get Nathan to sit on my lap for the landing. Nathan is not a lap child. Just too much to do to just sit on someone's lap for very long.

So the plane is coming in for the landing, and Colin is sitting in the window seat staring out the window. The plane is getting closer and closer to the ground, you know that time that everyone in the plane gets really really quiet. Then all of a sudden, Colin says in a very loud voice, "Watch out for the bump!" And sure enough, the timing couldn't have been more perfect. From the sound of all the laughter, I think the whole plane heard him.

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