Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Benefits of a babysitter

Tonight at Girl's Night Out (not necessarily Mom's Night Out because not everyone in this group is a mom), one of the attendees asked me, "How do you maintain your marriage with the whole kid-thing?" She is one of the mom's in the group. After giving a generic blah-blah-blah answer, I finally stumbled on my real answer. "We have lots of babysitters!"

This answer was very inspirational for her especially given that the last group of mom's that she asked this question said, "Marriage counseling, and couple's therapy". I guess babysitters are a lot cheaper than a therapist!

Now, I got to thinking about that answer, and remembered something that I've said many times way back when Colin was born. I said, that in order for me to be a good mom, I need time for me. For me, that is getting lots of babysitters so Bob and I can go out. We don't go out near as much as we did before babies, but we aim for once or twice a week! Sometimes it's only once a month, but that still helps.

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