Monday, April 9, 2007

Multi-age classrooms

I just wanted to plug the multi-age classroom experience here. Maybe I'm biased, but Colin goes to a Montessori school where he has kids from 3-6 in the classroom.

With it getting warmer outside, we have been taking more walks and going to various playgrounds. On one walk, we ended up in another preschool playground. There were a couple of other older kids there, and I was appalled by how the kids were talking to Colin, like how he didn't talk very good for being three.

Anyway, on another walk, we went to Springvale Park playground (Colin's favorite!), and one of the older girls from his school was there. She was playing with a couple younger boys, younger than Colin. So Colin just joined in with their game. She was so good with them.

Could be just a coincidence, but I really feel that when kids are exposed to multi-age classrooms, they have more of an appreciation for what other kids, regardless of their age can contribute. So there is my plug.

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