Monday, April 9, 2007

Road trip - Kansas City to Omaha

Last week was spring break, so we took a trip back to Omaha to see the Grandmas and Grandpas, and sneak in a short trip to Iowa State where Bob and I went to school.

When we go to Omaha we usually fly, but it's very expensive to fly to Omaha. It's much cheaper to fly to Kansas City and bum a ride or rent a car. This time we were making the trek to Omaha from Kansas City in a rented car, and Colin was just a little chatterbox. The good kind of chatterbox where he says all kinds of funny things and is telling amazing stories.

So let's start with the elephants. Apparently he saw some cows and thought they were elephants (the cows in the Midwest must be bigger than the ones in Georgia!)

Then there was a Taco Bell commercial on the radio, and Colin heard the "bong" and asked what that sound was. I said, it's the Taco Bell bell. Taco Bell bell? He thought that was pretty funny!

Up in the sky was a big vapor trail from an airplane, and Colin said that a great big finger made a scratch in the sky.

Next time I want to have the camcorder handy and record all of the things that he says, because I just can't remember it all!

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