Monday, March 12, 2007

Trying to finish my book

Okay, I'm reading Stephen King's Dark Tower Series, which if you are familiar with the books, started with The Gunslinger written in 1982 ... 25 years ago. Now I'm just finishing the seventh and final book in the series. I'm about 15-20 pages from the very end. Nathan is napping, I tried to get Colin to nap, no luck. So I'm bound and determined to finish this book before Nathan gets up. I read while Colin is playing, he wants me to play with him. So I read while sitting in the same room with him, pretending to play with him, but reading instead. Of course, I have to reread some paragraphs 2-3 times. We end up on the couch in the playroom. I'm reading, Colin's next to me.

"I love you, Mom", he tries the distraction method.
"I love you too, Colin", I answer, not taking my eyes off the book. (I'm such a bad mom.)

"I love Nathan", he tries a different approach.
"I love Nathan too, and Nathan loves you", still trying to read.

He leans over and kisses my arm, then my head. He is trying sooo hard and being sooo sweet. My resolve to finish this book surprises me, and I keep reading.

Then Nathan wakes up and I can hear him in the monitor. Colin continues with his loving on me and Nathan's screaming (please don't call child services on me!), and I finally finish the book. At that time I give Colin the biggest hug and go retrieve Nathan from the crib.

The End.

PS It's a very good series and I highly recommend it. If anyone has read it and would like to discuss it, I would love to hear from you!

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