We took the kids to Paris for our summer vacation. Nathan is no longer doing naps and that was our milestone for doing an European trip. Just figured it would be so much easier to coordinate things if we didn't have to worry about Nathan's nap!
So Monday afternoon, June 2 we head to the airport for our big trip. I was a little nervous about an over-seas plane trip with the kids but it went fairly well. Would have been better if Nathan's bear was in the carry-on luggage though. Colin was the first one asleep -- naturally. At first I had Nathan lay down on the floor, I've seen other people do that before on Delta. Unfortunately we were on Air France and the flight attendants said that was not safe. Then Nathan settled down in the seat, grudgingly because he really liked it on the floor, and the flight attendants said we had to have his seat belt on. When I tried to do that, Nathan got really upset and then he was screaming and crying for the next hour (at least it felt like an hour to me). Probably felt like two hours to the passengers around us. He finally wore himself out and fell asleep.
Some of the cute things that Nathan was saying (when he wasn't crying) was "airport is moving", and "sleeping on airport". For some reason he confused airplane and airport.
After the plane landed, it took 4.5 hours to get to the hotel. First the umbrella strollers were lost (then found), then we had issues figuring out the trains, getting tickets, using a credit card to get the tickets, just to name a few of the obstacles. Finally we were on the train.
All was good until we arrived at our station and discovered all these stairs that we had to go up with the kids and luggage and strollers. Not fun, but we managed. Good thing we had Danni with us to help out.
In the hotel we cleaned up, resisted a nap and went on a boat ride so Colin could see the Eiffel Tower. He was so excited, and thought it was very cool.
We really didn't have time to walk around, but I thought it was important to at least see it. However, we didn't explain this to Colin until the boat was pulling away from the tower and he couldn't understand why we were not getting off the boat. He was so mad and didn't want to talk to us the whole boat ride back.
Next blog, party in the hotel room.
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