Just before school ended, Colin demonstrated his new skill ... he can tie a shoe!! He can do it pretty good, I might add. And "my way"!
What do I mean about "my way"? Well, I think it was many many years ago, I noticed that Bob ties his shoes completely different than the way that I tie my shoes. He makes two loops with the laces and then simply ties them together. On the other hand, I make one loop and then wrap the other lace around and pull it through. There was something about a rabbit going around the hole then up, but I forget. So anyway, when I noticed the different styles, I was determined that our kids would tie their shoes my way, which meant that I was responsible for teaching them this very important skill. I had no idea that the school would beat me to it.
Now the problem is, Colin doesn't have any shoes that lace and tie. For one, he prefers to wears his crocs most of the time. We do have a pair of tennis shoes for him, but they are Velcro. Usually I am opposed to Velcro and purchased lacing tennis shoes in the past. But this time I was thinking about one of the Montessori classes for parents where they stressed that you should get clothing that the child can do by themselves. In tennis shoe terms, that meant Velcro.
However, Nathan has a little used pair of tennis shoes (Colin's old tennis shoes) that are not Velcro -- purchased pre-Montessori. So Colin had to demonstrate his shoe tying technique with Nathan's shoes. Time to buy some new shoes for Colin that lace up so he can practice on his own shoes.
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