Saturday, June 21, 2008

Paris - Luxenbourg Gardens

Saturday, June 7 and the last full day in Paris. During all of our adventures in Paris, we noticed a lack of playgrounds and were wondering where all the kids go who live in Paris. Well, on the last day we found it, the mother of all playgrounds! This playground was so big and nice and had a sandbox area and an Eiffel Tower structure for the kids to climb. You did have to pay to get in, but it was so worth it. I think it was a good thing that we found it the last day. If it would've been the first day, then taking the kids to anyplace other than the playground would've been difficult, and provided a lot of opportunity for character building.

The mega-playground is located in Luxenbourg Gardens where Bob and I did our runs. First, I ran while Bob hung out with the boys. He decided that pushing two umbrella strollers really didn't work to well, so they spent the whole time playing in the gravel (that Parisian gravel again -- totally entertaining stuff!) Colin and Nathan are so creative, they didn't have any toys so they took their crocs off and used them as trucks, filling the crocs up with gravel and dumping the gravel in a big pile. Colin made parmesan cheese with the crocs too. He would fill up Nathan's croc with gravel and shake it ... parmesan cheese!

So while the boys were playing in the gravel, I was on my run and discovered the playground. During Bob's run, I took Colin and Nathan to the playground where they had a great time playing with Parisian kids and even met a couple of English speaking kids and parents.

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