Friday, November 21, 2008

My wish for your fifth birthday ...

Dear Colin,
You turn five years old today, and I am so proud of the person that you are becoming. You are smart, resourceful, independent, considerate and such a happy boy. Just recently I've noticed that you are really getting good about cooperating, asking nicely, and saying "please" and "thank you", especially when playing with Nathan.

I am over-whelmed with emotion when I think of the all that you mean to me. After you were born, life took on a whole new meaning and I mean that in the best way possible. You give my life order and purpose where before all was chaos.

As I look at my own experiences and people that I admire, I notice a common trait that is consistently connected to those who excel and succeed. And so, I wish for your fifth birthday that you possess confidence in yourself and all that you do. It is with confidence that we are able to reach higher and further then we ever imagined. Reach for the stars Colin, and you will do anything that you want to do.

You are forever and always, my big guy.


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