On Saturday, Uncle Ian and Aunt Roxanne came over to celebrate both Ian's and Colin's birthday (Ian's birthday is November 16). That's when Colin opened his presents from Mom and Dad and Nathan. He got a scooter from Mom and Dad, and a paper airplane making book from Nathan.
The big birthday party was on Sunday at Atomic Tangerine where Colin had a globe cake that tasted like orange juice (special request by Colin!). Everyone did a special art project and made a space creature.
Colin's birthday walk at school was on Monday. That's where Colin walks around the elipse five times to represent five years, and one parent (that would be me) talks about significant events that happened during each year. I spent a lot of time preparing and had too much information, so the presentation was dramatically cut. I don't want all that work to go to waste, so I am creating a photo book of Colin's first five years. You know I just don't have enough to do, so this won't be any problem, right?
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