Bob has joined the ranks of "marathoner", whereas he finished the Atlanta Marathon this Thanksgiving. The race is the morning of Thanksgiving, and as I have told many people, it's one way to earn your turkey and stuffing and potatoes and pie and everything!
Bob did awesome, he ran the marathon in 3:35, about an hour faster than me. He was a little bit disappointed though. You see there is a 5-mile hill after the 20 mile mark, and in Bob's book, that is just plain rude to put a 5-mile hill at that part of a race!
This is my second marathon, and I highly recommend skipping the first and going straight to the second! The race itself was different, but recovery has been much easier the second time around. I remember the first time, it was 5 days after the race and thinking, "when am I ever going to feel normal again". Here it is the 2nd day after the race and I'm just a little sore.
But the race, yikes! I didn't mind the 5-mile hill at mile 20. I had already hit the wall and was hating life, so the hill was just another brick on the 'wall'. You see I tried to do the Gallaway method of 8 minutes run/ 1 minute walk. I'm not so experienced with this method and ended up going too fast. At 13.1 miles (half way) I was on pace for a 4:12. My previous marathon was 4:40. Bob actually saw me just before the halfway turn around and said to himself, she's having a very good race or is going to crash and burn. And guess what? I crashed and burned! But I made it to the end and actually finished really strong.
So my stats are:
5 mile ~about 48 minutes
10 mile ~about 1:35
13.1 mile 2:06
26.2 mile 4:34.17
Out of 730 finishers, I was 543.
Out of 178 women finishers, I was 123.
Out of 17 40-44 women finishers, I was 12.
Bob stats are:
13.1 mile 1:43
26.2 mile 3:35.21
Out of 730 finishers, he was 138.
Out of 552 men finishers, he was 127.
Out of 77 40-44 men finishers, he was 18.
Not too shabby.