As I mentioned in a previous blog, Colin has been watching a documentary called, "The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill" which is about a flock of cherry-headed conures in San Francisco and a man that was feeding the flock and learning about the birds. I thought this is the perfect time to capitalize on Colin's interest in the movie, and take a trip to San Fran for Spring Break. I mean it's a great place to visit, lots to see!
However, after the trip, I think we were completely off our rockers to do what we did. Specifically, taking a trip to the hilliest city in the USA with an umbrella stroller, a 4-year-old and 2-year-old! Our hotel was not on Fisherman's Wharf where we spent the majority of our time, and a couple of days we walked most if not all of the way there. Bob calculated that we did 22 miles of walking while in San Fran. For some of that distance, we were carrying Nathan or Colin. But luckily, the kids liked to both ride in the umbrella stroller together! Now how did we manage that you ask? Colin would sit down first and Nathan would ride on his lap! I overheard one person call it a "double-decker"! At first the kids really liked it, by the end of the trip Nathan didn't really care for it so much and we were carrying him a lot.
I think we have broken our trend of cold spring breaks -- hopefully. Last year in Nebraska and Iowa, it was so cold that we borrowed winter coats and bought hats and gloves for the kids. During the spring break that Bob and I took in college, it was very cold in Arizona (not as cold as last year in NE and IA though). The first day in San Fran was chilly, but by the end of the trip it was unseasonably warm, yahoo! Maybe next year we can go to the beach without fear of the cold-curse following us.
Also during the trip, we got a hotel room suite with roll-out beds in the living area for the kids, and Bob and I got the separate bedroom. This was the first time trying this arrangement where the kids would have to go to sleep in the same room together. Our hope is that some day Colin and Nathan will share a room -- we got a bunk bed for Colin's room with that arrangement in mind. So this was a good experiment.
The first night went very well because the kids were so exhausted. We got up very early for the flight that day. So shortly after tucking them in, it was quiet. The next morning, waking up in the hotel room was quite exciting for them. I walked into their room about 7am to find them both sitting quietly by the window looking out at the bay. Did I mention that the room was on the 19th floor and the windows had an awesome view of the Bay Bridge? It was heaven for two little boys!
Going to bed the rest of the trip had it's challenges and required numerous reminders to them to go to sleep especially by the last night there. But I'm very optimistic about getting them to sleep in the same room at home now. Maybe after school ends for Colin.
I will continue details about the trip in later blogs.
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