Last week coming home from school, Colin picked up a caterpillar and carryed it home on his jacket. He named the caterpillar "puppy",said it was a girl and talked to it like a regular little pet.
So we went to the store to find a large jar to put the caterpillar in. We came home with a $20 habitat. I figured that this wouldn't be the first bug that the boys would find and want to keep. I wasn't wrong.
The next day coming home from school, Colin found another caterpillar. Soon we were up to 5 caterpillars. There was a mommy, daddy, baby, grandma and grandpa caterpillar. There were also accidents (Nathan broke one -- Colin's words), so we are now down to 2 caterpillars.
Colin is very gentle with the caterpillars and has no problem picking them up and letting them crawl on him. Colin likes to let them out of the habitat so they can get some fresh air and exercise. Last weekend he was carrying all 5 of them on his arm (no shirt) and the caterpillars were crawling up his arm and on his back. It was really creepy, but he didn't mind.
Just last night, I noticed the biggest one spinning a cocoon! This morning was very easy to get Colin up. All I had to tell him was the caterpillar was doing something different last night. In three weeks, Colin should be the proud parent of a beautiful ... moth. Oh well.
I can't wait, we are going to do tadpoles in the habitat next!
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