This is a photo I took a long time ago of Colin "helping" with the laundry! He was having a great time just throwing all the clothes over his head and every which way.
Apparently the laundry bug has stuck with him. One day after school last week, Colin got the dirty clothes out of his room and said he wanted to do laundry. Like wow! I'm not going to complain! He dumps the clothes in the washer, climbs on top of the dryer, and I help him measure out the laundry detergent. He pushes the buttons (probably his favorite part!) and viola, done with laundry, right?
Well, just hold your horses there. Sometime during the afternoon when I was working on the computer, he takes the clothes out of the washer and puts them in the dryer all by himself, and turns it on. No help or reminding from me at all. When the dryer turned off, I found the clothes still a little wet so I turned it back on.
That evening before going to bed, Colin helped fold and put the clothes away. Amazing! Now how to I get him to do this on a regular basis .. that is the question.
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