Everyone was so excited for Nathan's first day of school! We all walked that day and went to the N. Highland entrance of the school, instead of the playground entrance that Maureen's class uses. Nathan was going up the stairs with Colin before we knew it. Bob and I followed them up to the class room and saw Nathan head into Anne's class while Colin continued through the kitchen area to Maureen's class. Then I saw Nathan show his bag to his teacher and tell her it was clothes for his cubby. What an incredibly smooth transition!
Two days later I did receive a phone call from Nathan's teacher. She said that Nathan was doing very well but wanted to let me know about that morning. Apparently, a little while after the start of the day, Nathan looked up and asked where Colin was. Then got really upset. We figure that Nathan missed his big brother so now they make sure that Colin says good-bye to Nathan and tells him that he will see him on the playground. What sweet boys I have!
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