It's official, the baby factory is closed. I just sold the crib on craigslist and am a little sad about it. It was a gorgeous crib. My mom found it at a garage sale in Omaha and trucked it all the way down to Georgia to us. At the time I was a little put off that I didn't get to pick out the crib but after putting it together ... it's a beautiful, four-poster, canopy crib with dark wood, I managed to forgive her. And I did get to pick out the bedding, a soft, neutral, multi-textured cream/ecru color that would go with boy or girl. I used the bed skirt for the canopy and got another simple bedskirt to go on the bottom.
So a little walk down memory lane. Colin used the crib first. However, he was four months old before we put him in it. I broke my ankle when he was two months old and still in the bassinet. It took me two months to heal enough to do the stairs up to the baby's room, so Colin stayed in the bassinet a little longer than he should have! Colin loved the crib. The transition to the big boy bed from the crib was a little rocky and took some time. And Colin never climbed out of the crib.
Nathan on the other hand, started climbing out of the crib after this past Christmas. First Nathan climbed out of the pack-n-play in Omaha, then when we returned to Atlanta he climbed out of the crib twice. That was enough to convince us that he preferred to sleep in the big boy bed, and we stopped putting him in the crib.
So the crib sat in Nathan's room for the last three months before I finally decided to list it on craiglist. I sold it with all the bedding and mattress too. The person that bought it lives in Florida, and her daughter in Atlanta is having a baby. So the crib is going to be used at Grandma's house.
As a side note, when the woman came to buy the crib, she brought a big trailer, so the crib could be transported intact and not have to be taken apart. This meant getting it down stairs with just her and me. It's a good thing that I've been going to bootcamp, because we got that crib down the stairs all by ourselves! I took the down hill end (and heavy end) and really used those new muscles of mine to do it.
Nathan didn't even notice. Well, he noticed something was different in his room because now he has all this space. Colin and Nathan love all the space to run around. But I don't think they realized what was missing.
So goodbye crib, I'm glad it's going to a good home and being used. It's just too pretty to be put into storage until it could be used again in our family.
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