Sunday, November 4, 2007


This is really the first year the we've taken the boys trick-or-treating. Last year, Colin was sick and fell asleep at 4pm for the night. The year before we went to a neighborhood party in Roswell Farms but no trick-or-treating (not that Colin would remember it or anything and Nathan was in my belly).

So this year we were invited to a little party at 5pm to eat pizza and then go trick-or-treating at 6ish. It was so much fun being part of a big group like that. Reminded me of my trick-or-treating days.

The best part was when we got to the third house and Colin looks at us with this wide-eyed expression and said, "Another house?", yes, "More candy?", yes, "Yeahhhhhh!" He was so excited. Nathan even got into the whole thing. Dressed as a tiger, when prompted Nathan would do the cutest little "roar"!

However, I knew it was time to call it a night when Colin wanted to hold Nathan's bag of candy for him, and then I found Colin depositing the candy into his own bag.

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