Colin is really into maps, just like his dad. Bob could spend hours studying a map, any map, doesn't matter what it is a map of. So now Colin is following in his dad's footsteps! The picture above is a painting that Colin did. Doesn't look like much to the casual observer, but it was really neat the way he was describing it to me as he was painting ... "this is where our house is, and this is the way to go to Grace's house, ..."
Also when Grandma and Grandpa GG were here, they watched a lot more TV than we have ever let him watch, including the weather channel! Colin loved the weather channel and all of those maps!
The first recollection I have of Colin and maps is the time that Bob went to Taiwan. We have a big World map hanging on his wall, down at Colin's height so he can reach it. So Bob showed Colin Taiwan. A couple weeks later, the topic of Taiwan came up again and Colin went over to the map and pointed right at Taiwan. We were so proud! This was quite a while ago, I think around the time that Colin started school so last fall maybe, so he was just under 3 years old. I think he still remembers where Taiwan is. I'll have to quiz him tonight, just to be sure!
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