Then off to the zoo. We started at the flamingos, then the elephants which I always think look like rare red elephants from Georgia because of all the red clay on them! Then we saw the rhinos. After just seeing the elephants, rhinos are really pretty small, at least compared to an elephant. I guess most things are small compared to an elephant.
While we were looking at the rhinos we heard a "ROAR" ... a lion! So off to the lions. I think I ran faster than the kids! The lion was on top of this big boulder just roaring away. It was so cool! Colin and Harrison were impressed too.
Next the gorillas and monkeys. Nathan thought the monkeys were dogs. He kept doing his "whoo whoo" sound that he does for dogs. No Nathan, that's not a dog. So he did his "cat" sign. Nope, not a cat either. Confused look from Nathan. I guess he thinks everything is either a dog or a cat.
Colin and Harrison took turns pushing Nathan in the stroller which was pretty cute. In the reptile house, Nathan would look up at Harrison and just smile and laugh, which I got a picture of.
Lastly, we saw the pandas where they have a baby panda, Mei Lan who is only the 5th baby panda to be born in the United States. Mei Lan is only 6 months old and weighs 24 pounds. I thought this was incredible considering she was only 1.4 pounds when she was 19 days old!
When asked later on about the zoo, the things that Colin talked about was the mama panda walking right past him and seeing the panda's poop. Sounds like a 3-year-old's answer to me!
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