Rex the Bearded Dragon also slept in their room, and that was super exciting. Rex was David's roommate's pet (along with the turtle in my room and some snakes that stayed at David's house -- Thank God!) When David's roommate moved out the pets stayed for some reason. A couple of times, my mom got Rex out to let him run around the room which the boys really thought was neat.
While in Omaha, Colin and Nathan spent the night over at their Gramma Mary's and Grampa Jerry's house while I went out with some friends and my parents. Gramma Mary was so thrilled to see them and said that they were the perfect angels while there. Colin, in fact, gave Gramma Mary the biggest compliment when he said that he wished he could draw like her.
Here are some pictures of Colin and Nathan taking Grandpa and Grandma GG's newest toy out for a spin! The little Diego Jeep was a big hit, and Colin and Nathan were very good about taking turns driving it.
Going down to the shed to see Grandpa's surprise.

Colin goes first! He was a very good driver.

Nathan is so excited, but not a very good driver. He kept taking his hands off the steering wheel.

Giving a little push up the hill.

Grandpa GG had a very cool project that he did with the boys. They built a couple of birdhouses that are now hanging in their yard. Grandpa even painted them bright colors prior to our arrival. Of course Nathan and Colin had to use the paint in the kit to decorate the birdhouses after they were built.
Nathan checking his birdhouse for birds.

Colin checking his birdhouse for birds too.

We also went to Papillion Days with my cousin, Misty and her two boys Devin and Cooper. There was a parade and carnival. Pictures are posted on facebook at: