A couple of weeks ago, Colin had a sleep-over with Edward, a little boy from his class. It was a lot of fun for everyone! Colin has learned the joy of "knock-knock" jokes and passed on this knowledge to Edward. So all night long, we heard "knock-knock" jokes, four-year style. Let me give an example, (this is the first "knock-knock" joke that Colin created):
Who's there?
Mr. Orange.
Mr. Orange who?
Mr. Orange Ding-Dong!
And then they would laugh and laugh. I guess you have to be a four-year old to really get it, because I told the joke at bootcamp and everyone just looked at me!
And of course, Colin and Edward were up really late. I really didn't mind because they were just laying there, talking calmly, no horsing around or anything. There was a little issue with Dat Dog, Colin's lovely. Dat Dog makes music which bothered Edward, so I turned the music off. But Edward was convinced that Colin would turn Dat Dog back on. We resolved everything by putting a white noise generator in the room.
But Bob really was the one to get them to sleep when he went in and suggested that they count to 100. "But I can only count to 29," says one of them. "What's after 29?", "30!" There you go! It was very entertaining listening to them in the monitor, "89, 40, 41 .... 49, 60, 61, ..." It was like a perpetual counting system. And eventually it got really quiet.
This coming Friday, Colin is invited to Edward's house for a sleep-over there. I hope they have as good of a time there as they did here.
Nathan, Colin and Edward in the art room before bed.

Working hard.