Yesterday I went to the dentist to get some cavities filled (hopefully Colin and Nathan inherit their Dad's teeth and not mine!), and I realized that I meant to blog about Colin's trip to the dentist. At this point Colin has been twice, and has been the perfect patient.
Before Colin's first appointment, I brought him to one of my check-ups and had him sit on my lap watching the dental assistant while I got my teeth cleaned. He was so good and just watched the whole time.
I can't remember very much about his first check-up, especially many of the small details. I do know that Dr. G gave him a glowing report, a coupon for ice cream at Chick-fil-a from across the parking lot and a gold dollar coin.
This time, Colin was very apprehensive about going and wasn't very excited about it at all. I told him that it was his choice whether he had fun at the dentist. That he could pretend that the dentist's chair was a rocket ship and have a good time, or he could choose to not enjoy it. But the choice was his.
At the dentist office, I sat in the chair first and had the dental assistance look at a tooth of mine that felt a little funny, like a popcorn kernel was stuck in it. It was the truth, but it was also a good example for Colin to see me in the chair too. I think I'll do that when it's Nathan's turn. After it was all over, I told Colin how proud I was of him at the dentist, and he said he was proud of me too.
Then it was Colin's turn to sit in the chair. I sat at his feet and tried to stay out of the way of the cleaning. Colin was so cooperative for all of it.
In the end he got another good check-up, no cavities, a coupon for ice cream at Chick-fil-a and a two dollar bill. Our bank is in the same parking lot so I suggested that Colin put the money in his savings account. He really liked that idea, so we went to the bank.
Colin also was anxious to go home to play with Nathan and wasn't interested in getting ice cream at Chick-fil-a. I know, my kids are kinda weird that way and not into ice cream sometimes. I don't mind. I used the coupon after getting my cavities filled.